Prepare for the PgBouncer and IPv4 deprecations on 26th January 2024



This is a non-exhaustive list of features that Supabase provides for every project.


Postgres database

Every project is a full Postgres database. Docs.

Database extensions

Every database comes with a full set of Postgres extensions. Docs.

Database functions

Create custom database functions which you can call from the browser. Docs.

Database triggers

Attach triggers to your tables to handle database changes. Docs.

Database webhooks

Send database changes to any external service using Webhooks. Link.

Database backups

Projects are backed up daily with the option to upgrade to Point in Time recovery.

Build search functionality using Postgres Full Text Search. Docs.

Secrets and encryption

Encrypt sensitive data and store secrets using our Postgres extension, Supabase Vault. Link.

Database migrations

Develop locally and push your changes to your production database using migrations. Docs


Email & password logins

Build email logins for your application or website. Docs.

Build passwordless logins for your application or website.Docs.

Social logins

Provide social logins - everything from Apple, to GitHub, to Slack. Docs.

Phone logins

Provide phone logins using a third-party SMS provider. Docs.

Row Level Security

Control the data each user can access with Postgres Policies. Docs.

Serverside Auth helpers

Helpers for implementing user authentication in popular frameworks like Next.js and SvelteKit

Auth UI kit

Build login and registration pages with custom themes. Docs.

APIs & client libraries

Auto-generated REST API

RESTful APIs are autogenerated from your database, without a single line of code. Docs.

Auto-generated GraphQL API

Fast GraphQL APIs using our custom Postgres GraphQL extension. Docs.

Realtime database changes

Receive your database changes through websockets. Docs.

User broadcasting

Send messages between connected users through websockets. Docs.

User presence

Synchronize shared state across your users, including online status and typing indicators. Docs.

Client libraries

Official client libraries for JavaScript and Dart. Unofficial libraries supported by the community.


File storage

Supabase Storage makes it simple to store and serve files. Docs.

Resumable uploads

Upload large files easily using resumable uploads. Docs.

Storage CDN

Cache large files using the Supabase CDN. Docs.

Image transformations

Transform images on the fly. Docs.

Edge Functions

Deno Edge Functions

Globally distributed TypeScript functions to execute custom business logic. Docs.

Project management


Use our CLI to develop your project locally and deploy to the Supabase Platform. Docs.

Management API

Manage your projects programmatically. Docs.

Feature status

Both Postgres and the Supabase Platform are production-ready. Some tools we offer on top of Postgres are still under development.

ProductFeatureStageAvailable on self-hosted
DatabaseFull Text SearchGA
DatabasePoint-in-Time RecoveryGA🚧 wal-g
RealtimePostgres ChangesGA
StorageS3 BackendGA
StorageCDNGA🚧 Cloudflare
StorageSmart CDNbeta🚧 Cloudflare
StorageImage TransformationsGA
StorageResumable Uploadsbeta
Edge Functionsbeta
AuthOAuth ProvidersGA
AuthNext.js Auth Helpersbeta
AuthSvelteKit Auth Helpersbeta
AuthRemix Auth Helpersbeta
CLIbeta✅ Works with self-hosted
Management APIbetaN/A
Client Library: JavaScriptGAN/A
Client Library: DartbetaN/A
  • ✅ = Fully Available
  • 🚧 = Available, but requires external tools or configuration